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Stephen Wright's newest book, Fugue, describes the practice of contemplation and its importance in a time of social and ecological collapse

The Kentigern Way

The Kentigern Way is a pilgrim's guide around the Northern fells of the English Lake District and a history of early British Christianity through the eyes of locally revered St. Kentigern
Heartfulness is a deep and inclusive experiential dive into contemplation and the importance of heart practices on the spiritual journey.

Completely re-edited and updated, this book is for spiritual seekers everywhere...for those seeking personal transformation, the reality of the Divine and a God who is not exclusively male or shrouded in doctrine but closer to us than our own breath. It will help you discern the true from the false, the healthy from the unhealthy, in the modern-day spiritual supermarket.

In this lyrical poem Stephen Wright continues a mystical and contemplative exploration of the relationship to the Divine. Rich in imagery and flowing words, experiences of the ordinary are taken as starting points for the unfolding beauty and wonder of the extraordinary. There is nowhere that God is not and these rich and powerful words take us deeper into that reality.

A companion volume to Coming Home, this book is a detailed exploration of contemplation and its relevance to the modern-day spiritual seeker. Drawing on the rich seam of two millennia of the Christian contemplative tradition, the author explains what contemplation is and its relationship to prayer and meditation. Inspirational words from many great mystics and contemplatives are included. The richness of their truth is food for the soul for everyone, regardless of faith background.

Burnout is a common problem. It seems to happen especially to people who are very openhearted and compassionate and who may be involved in caring work of some kind. This book will help you understand what burnout is, explore the connection with stress, spot the signs in yourself and others, prevent it and deal with it when it happens.

Sacred Space draws on a wide range of literature to look at what the sacred, spirituality and right relationship mean and their relevance to healthcare and is rooted in the rich experience of two of the UK's leading experts in the field. This book is a pathway towards right relationships for individuals, groups and organisations: restoring wholeness, healing and caring to modern healthcare.

There has been a huge revival of interest in devotional songs, chants and circle dancing in recent years. The songs and dances here have been developed from that tradition with the emphasis on their devotional aspects. They are rooted very firmly in Christian spirituality yet are accessible to all who feel called to use song and dance as a means of worship, spiritual practice and enjoyment.

Most people at some time in their lives, if not always, experience an inner dialogue between the soul and the Absolute. It can feel boundless and wordless, beyond identification with "I" and "Another. Or it can feel intimate and personal, like letters between close friends. This latest collection of poems from Stephen Wright, seeks to capture that revelation of truth arising in relationship between one and One.

The solid, brass singing bowl used in this recording was handmade in Tibet. Gently striking and stroking the bowl with its wooden mallet produces wonderful tones of many qualities - sometimes soft and gentle, sometimes strident and demanding. All serve to provide a perfect backdrop for meditation and contemplation.